
To help developers get up and running as quickly as possible, CRGA provides a ready-made loop called CRLoop(), described below. Users may keep this around as long as they want, but it’s recommended that one switches to a custom loop once it becomes simpler to do so. To facilitate this and make the transition as smooth as possible, the entirety of CRLoop() is provided below.

void CRLoop() {
    while (!WindowShouldClose()) {

        if (CRPreDraw != 0)




                for (int i = 0; i < cr_config->world_layer_count; i++) {
                if (CRWorldDraw != 0)


            for (int i = 0; i < cr_config->ui_layer_count; i++) {
            if (CRUIDraw != 0)


        if (CRPostDraw != 0)
void CRLoop()

Enter an infinite loop and draws the world and UI layers. It also calls four functions at specific points during the loop.

  • CRPreDraw() before it enters the drawing portion of the loop. No drawing may be done in here, but it is ideal for measuring user input and performing simulations.

  • CRWorldDraw() immediately after drawing all the world layers. Anything may be drawn here using the standard Raylib utilities, and will be relative to the world rather than the camera.

  • CRUIDraw() immediately after drawing all of the ui layers. Anything may be drawn here, and will be relative to the camera rather than the world.

  • CRPostDraw() after drawing finishes. No drawing may be done in here, and serves a similar role to CRPreDraw. Which you use is a matter of personal taste.

void (*CRPreDraw)()

A function pointer used to hold the PreDraw function used in CRLoop.

void (*CRWorldDraw)()

A function pointer used to hold the WorldDraw function used in CRLoop.

void (*CRUIDraw)()

A function pointer used to hold the UIDraw function used in CRLoop.

void (*CRPostDraw)()

A function pointer used to hold the PostDraw function used in CRLoop.

void CRSetPreDraw(void (*new_func)())

Sets the PreDraw function to the function pointer new_func.

void CRSetWorldDraw(void (*new_func)())

Sets the WorldDraw function to the function pointer new_func.

void CRSetUIDraw(void (*new_func)())

Sets the UIDraw function to the function pointer new_func.

void CRSetPostDraw(void (*new_func)())

Sets the PostDraw function to the function pointer new_func.