
size_t CRNewMask(int width, int height, uint8_t flags, Vector2 position)

Initializes a new mask of a given width and height, with the given flags set, and put at the provided position. The entire mask is initialized to 255, meaning no masking.

void CRAddMaskToLayer(size_t mask_index, CRLayer *layer)

Associate a given layer with a mask index. When a layer is being drawn it will check against the associated masks to determine how masked a given tile should be. While you can create as many masks as your computer has memory, any given layer can only have 16 masks associated with it.

void CRSetWorldMask(Vector2 position, uint8_t mask_value)

Masks a given position on world layer 0. It will create a new mask if one doesn’t already exists. If more than one mask exists for world layer 0, it will use the first one.

void CRSetUIMask(Vector2 position, uint8_t mask_value)

Masks a given position on UI layer 0. It will create a new mask if one doesn’t already exists. If more than one mask exists for UI layer 0, it will use the first one.

uint8_t CRMaskTile(CRLayer *layer, Vector2 position, uint8_t flags)

Checks against all masks used for a layer that overlap a tile at the provided position. This is used for rendering tiles. The flags indicate what is being querried. Bit 0 is 1 if anything that masks an entity will mask the tile, and Bit 1 is 1 if anything that masks a grid tile will mask the tile.

Masking is subtractive. A mask of 205 will reduce a tile’s visibility by 50. An additional mask of 205 will reduce the tile’s visibility by an additional 50, meaning a total reduction of 100 and a visibility value of 155. A tile’s visibility cannot be reduced below 0.